Trialogue Second Edition with Jan De Volder and Rabbi Aaron Malinsky, Hendrik Hoet and Jamal Maftouhi. Please check out this Newly published edition
Spiritual community activities at Galilee Hospital;
Praying for the sick people from 8:30- 9:30 AM, Every Sunday and Friday.
We need medical Volunteers in the Medical Sector(Public Health) in surport of the growing number of patients treated at the Center Irrespective of their religion and Ethinic back ground, We consider all to be spiritually Jewish.
Apply now to volunteer with us
The Kampala Jewish Community and the synagogue is built along Mbogo Road in Kibuli. Our Shul was established in the year 2013. There are regular children's services and stimulating sermons. This lively Orthodox synagogue holds regular events and has a vibrant religious, social and educational calendar.
We are central Jewish community – a thriving, welcoming community of Jews, providing formal and informal Jewish heritage.
Ritual: Ashkenazi Orthodox Abayudaya
In recent months, our membership, although small, has varied in size; many non-members and visitors participate in our community events and services. Unlike many Jewish communities in other parts of the country, our membership is actually growing slightly and we are very much a viable and sustainable congregation!